Protein Packed Chia Pudding Recipe

This is a fantastic recipe when you are prepping for the week!

Protein Packed Chia Pudding:
Makes 4 servings

1 cup milled flax and chia mixed
1.5 cup water (or milk of choice)
4 T cottage cheese
4 T collagen powder
Handful: Berries of choice, nuts of choice
4 T honey

Mix the chia and flax with water, cottage cheese, and collagen. Stir well and divvy out into four separate containers.
Top evenly with berries, nuts and honey.
Prep and pop in the fridge for easy breakfasts and snacks throughout the week.

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What if cooking at home was as simple, convenient, and cost effective?

What if cooking at home was as simple and cost effective as something traditionally considered convenient?

What if cooking at home didn’t mean doubting yourself through the whole process, or feeling overwhelmed about getting it all done?

What if all the frustration and back and forth between cooking this week, feeling crappy for your food decisions the next just didn't have to be there anymore?

What if the answer was super-duper simple?

Would you take the opportunity to get out of the cycle that is not benefiting you?

If the answer is yes, then let's get you out of it, together.

Join the Meal Prep Course now! You get to get out of the cycle you are in now, and you get into a new one.

One that leaves you feeling proud and light because of your meal decisions.
One that gives you time back each night so you can play in the backyard with your kids
One that lets you live a life with no stress around meal times
One that leaves you feeling so excited because you are on track to eat...

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Easy and delicious recipe!

Whose meal prepping today? ‍

I made these caramelized pearl onions with peas (both frozen!!!) with thyme and sage and I got the compliment, "These are the best peas I've ever had in my life!"

High marks, you guys! And they were super easy

1/2 of a bag frozen pear onions
1 bag frozen peas
1 T olive oil
Pinch thyme and sage (dry)
Salt and pepper

Heat oil in a skillet and add onions.
Season with herbs, salt and pepper.
Cook the onions until browned and fragrant.
Add peas, season again.
Sauté until just beginning to brown.


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What do you want to be on the other side of this?

There's an easy way out.....hide in front of the TV, on social media. But when this is over, because it will end...

How will you be better for it?
Will you have grown?
Become better because of this challenge?

There are so many ways to use this challenge to your advantage! To use this time wisely (and that doesn't mean you can't watch Netflix!).

How can you use this time to become better, learn something new, create something awesome?!

There are so many ways!

  • learn a new skill you've always been interested in
  • read that book that's been sitting on your shelf for months 
  • draw, paint, create
  • write - a poem, a short story, a journal entry, your goals, your desires, your manifestations
  • get in the kitchen and have fun cooking creatively!
  • Focus on your fitness - yoga, running/walking, online workout videos
  • daydream, see where your thoughts go when you let your thoughts flow freely without direction

The opportunities are endless during this time of self exploration....

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The missing piece to your meal prep!

We are all meal prepping right now because that is one of the few options we have!!

It might feel like you're missing something, or you're not doing it right.....there really is a process behind the madness!

If you're struggling, my first suggestion would be to plan ahead!

  • Know exactly what you're going to make
  • Know exactly what you need to buy
  • Make enough time to get it all done, start to finish, in one go

My second suggestion is try The Meal Prep Course! I break down the full process, walk you through step by step, and then we get to cooking in the kitchen together! It is really incredible.

Click HERE to sign up!

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Take your power back!

TAKE THE POWER BACK! Your health is in your control, you can do this!!

There are so many incredible ways to empower yourself to live a healthier life:

  • Get outside and move your body
  • Learn a new skill (the brain loves a challenge, healthy mind = healthy body)
  • Take a cooking class
  • Stock your fridge with healthy ingredients
  • Do a brain puzzle
  • Work up a sweat
  • Connect with a friend
  • Read a book
  • Get creative

Use this time to better yourself, rather than waste it. You got this!

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How I Got Started and What's Next!

My first job out of college was as a Nutrition Educator. I would go out and speak to groups of people, explaining the impact of diet on health. I would talk about the benefits of cooking at home, how it could help you prevent lifestyle diseases.

Mostly what I got in return was a lot of questions; "How do you cook healthy?", "How do you find the time to cook?", "What do you do if you get all your meals from a drive through or the gas station?". A lot of questions I didn't have great answers for. I knew I wanted to impact the health of our nation in a significant way, but I just couldn't see how my nutrition lectures were all.

So, I started cooking healthy meals for people and taking them to their home. No time to grocery shop? I'll deliver your meals. Don't know how to cook? I will do it all for you, all you have to do is heat and eat. Find yourself at the drive through too much? I will literally take it to your house thus saving you a trip to the drive through!!


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Thank you STL!

You have been such a supportive community for this small business, and we are SO grateful!! Thank you for all you have done.

When I first graduated, I knew I wanted to change the health of the nation. I saw that being huge. I also saw that the job I was doing that was intended to make an impact just wasn't helping people.

When I discovered that I could truly make an impact by making healthy meals for people and delivering them to their homes, I was hooked! Now, me and my company are honored to make a healthier St. Louis for YOU!

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How to Avoid Unhealthy Eating After Work

"I am sick and tired of getting home from work and ordering another pizza. Help!"

This is a comment I hear A LOT!! After a long day at work, who wants to cook? ‍Not me! However, your only option also is not a pizza. What you really need to do is have some forethought about your week and make a plan

Make a plan by:

A. Before you do anything, watch the video I made for you which details 5 items to keep in your house that will yield hundreds of easy meals! Click, 5 Must-Have Ingredients to watch! It is SO helpful!
B. Set aside some time to grocery shop and meal prep.
C. Try a meal delivery service like Basically It Meals!! It can be a lifesaver in these situations (coming from experience).
D. You may also want to look into meal guides to help you out! I have a great one for you to try, done for you meal guide.

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The Weight Loss Journey Continues!

My weight loss journey continues!! At the beginning of 2020 I committed to losing 10lbs without "going on a diet". I wanted to lose it by eating real food (thank you, Basically It Meals), living my life and changing my relationship with food in a real way.

Week 1 - I dropped almost 5 pounds, which meant I was halfway to my goal in only 7 days. I was so freaking excited and thought "that was easy!".

Week 2 - Reality set in. During week 1 motivation was high, but week 2 it waned and life returned to normal, I realized I was eating a lot of times that weren't lunch and dinner, and for a lot of reasons that weren't hunger.

I had to figure out how to stop eating for all the emotional reasons. This is where most of us get stuck. Forever! It is really difficult to get beyond this.

Self-awareness is the first step. You have to be able to recognize what emotion you are experiencing when you're eating off plan. For most (and for me) it is stress, anxiety, worry and boredom.

Week 3,...

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