Learn how to stop wasting and start saving.

Who hates being wasteful? It is such a horrible feeling!

Yet, I bet you find yourself going through the fridge each week and throwing out tons of food....

Groceries, leftovers...
Items you bought and swore you would use...
Items you picked up on one of your many weekly grocery trips and had no idea how you were going to use...

Either way, you bought it, it was your hard-earned money, and now it is landing right in the trash.


So, how do you stop the food waste?

Stop purchasing food without a plan!

It is as simple as that.

If you're spending money on it, it better be because you planned for it.

If that sounds like something you know nothing about, join me in The Meal Prep Course! I will show you exactly how to stop wasting and start saving.

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What if cooking at home was as simple, convenient, and cost effective?

What if cooking at home was as simple and cost effective as something traditionally considered convenient?

What if cooking at home didn’t mean doubting yourself through the whole process, or feeling overwhelmed about getting it all done?

What if all the frustration and back and forth between cooking this week, feeling crappy for your food decisions the next just didn't have to be there anymore?

What if the answer was super-duper simple?

Would you take the opportunity to get out of the cycle that is not benefiting you?

If the answer is yes, then let's get you out of it, together.

Join the Meal Prep Course now! You get to get out of the cycle you are in now, and you get into a new one.

One that leaves you feeling proud and light because of your meal decisions.
One that gives you time back each night so you can play in the backyard with your kids
One that lets you live a life with no stress around meal times
One that leaves you feeling so excited because you are on track to eat...

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Don't waste the skill of your doctor...

I just found this quote and I am so obsessed with it!!!

Such a great reminder...

It doesn't matter how good your doctor or how good the meds you are on...

Nothing will work to improve your health if you are not eating healthy!!! 

Even with the incredible advances in modern medicine and science, our bodies still need good nutrition from food. 

Cooking at home (there are many ways to learn!), hiring a meal delivery service (holla, St Louis!), or making a daily smoothie (tons of recipes on this blog) can do so much for your health.

If you have questions on how to feed your body, please comment here!


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Why you suck at cooking

I'm not kidding, you guys!

There is so much joy to be had in cooking a meal at home.

It is a creative outlet, it brings the family together, it gives you a bragging point (why not?).

If you "don't know how" (I hear that all the time!), it is not rocket science, and the only reason you're not good at it is because you never practice! So, get to practicing....

The truth is, if you're a terrible cook it's because you never cook. Ohhhh, the irony.

Have you ever seen that show "Worst Cooks in America"? It is hilarious; a bunch of people who are totally clueless about cooking compete against each other in cooking competitions. They're all so bad that it makes for quite entertaining TV. 

But by the end of the season, the final few contestants who have been practicing cooking for some time, are actually good cooks. These people, who were chosen for this show based on how bad they are, have been transformed into mini chefs due to trial and error and practice.

That, my friend, is all it...

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