Living It!

Huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the name for the show!

We have a final show title for you...Living It!

This show will be all about LIVING healthy, living your life, how to make nutrition and fitness your lifestyle.

Robin Cason and I are SO thrilled to bring you this show, and we want to connect with you over on the official show Facebook page here! 

Thanks again:)

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How I Got Started and What's Next!

My first job out of college was as a Nutrition Educator. I would go out and speak to groups of people, explaining the impact of diet on health. I would talk about the benefits of cooking at home, how it could help you prevent lifestyle diseases.

Mostly what I got in return was a lot of questions; "How do you cook healthy?", "How do you find the time to cook?", "What do you do if you get all your meals from a drive through or the gas station?". A lot of questions I didn't have great answers for. I knew I wanted to impact the health of our nation in a significant way, but I just couldn't see how my nutrition lectures were all.

So, I started cooking healthy meals for people and taking them to their home. No time to grocery shop? I'll deliver your meals. Don't know how to cook? I will do it all for you, all you have to do is heat and eat. Find yourself at the drive through too much? I will literally take it to your house thus saving you a trip to the drive through!!


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What I've Found From My Weight Loss Journey

When I decided at the beginning of January to lose 10lbs, and committed to doing it by taking a look at my habits and making real changes, I honestly thought it would be an easy journey.

Heck, when the first week I lost almost half of the weight I planned to! Not to mention, I am the FOUNDER of a healthy meal service- I have access to healthy balanced meals!

But, it wasn't about the healthy meals I was eating, it was about the times I was eating and wasn't actually hungry and the "why" behind that. When you start digging into that, you start discovering yourself (which is crazy because I thought I already had).

It's different for everyone, but for me I am facing up to the uncomfortable moments of life without a snack to keep me company. It felt impossible before, but now it feels liberating!

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How to Avoid Unhealthy Eating After Work

"I am sick and tired of getting home from work and ordering another pizza. Help!"

This is a comment I hear A LOT!! After a long day at work, who wants to cook? ‍Not me! However, your only option also is not a pizza. What you really need to do is have some forethought about your week and make a plan

Make a plan by:

A. Before you do anything, watch the video I made for you which details 5 items to keep in your house that will yield hundreds of easy meals! Click, 5 Must-Have Ingredients to watch! It is SO helpful!
B. Set aside some time to grocery shop and meal prep.
C. Try a meal delivery service like Basically It Meals!! It can be a lifesaver in these situations (coming from experience).
D. You may also want to look into meal guides to help you out! I have a great one for you to try, done for you meal guide.

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The Weight Loss Journey Continues!

My weight loss journey continues!! At the beginning of 2020 I committed to losing 10lbs without "going on a diet". I wanted to lose it by eating real food (thank you, Basically It Meals), living my life and changing my relationship with food in a real way.

Week 1 - I dropped almost 5 pounds, which meant I was halfway to my goal in only 7 days. I was so freaking excited and thought "that was easy!".

Week 2 - Reality set in. During week 1 motivation was high, but week 2 it waned and life returned to normal, I realized I was eating a lot of times that weren't lunch and dinner, and for a lot of reasons that weren't hunger.

I had to figure out how to stop eating for all the emotional reasons. This is where most of us get stuck. Forever! It is really difficult to get beyond this.

Self-awareness is the first step. You have to be able to recognize what emotion you are experiencing when you're eating off plan. For most (and for me) it is stress, anxiety, worry and boredom.

Week 3,...

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Late Night Eating

 "What do I do about my late-night eating?"

I was asked this the other day, and I actually did a whole Facebook Live on cravings, click HERE to watch!

The long and short of it is that changing your actions in the evening when you have cravings is never going to work long-term. Taking a walk or a bubble bath when your brain tells you Netflix and ice cream my work right then, but the craving will still be there....and it will still come back night after night.

Nighttime cravings are caused by the emotion you are feeling at the time; perhaps you're stressing over your day, feeling bored, resenting your pile of laundry. Whatever it is, you must solve for that emotion before you can solve for the cravings.

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