The Weight Loss Journey Continues!

My weight loss journey continues!! At the beginning of 2020 I committed to losing 10lbs without "going on a diet". I wanted to lose it by eating real food (thank you, Basically It Meals), living my life and changing my relationship with food in a real way.

Week 1 - I dropped almost 5 pounds, which meant I was halfway to my goal in only 7 days. I was so freaking excited and thought "that was easy!".

Week 2 - Reality set in. During week 1 motivation was high, but week 2 it waned and life returned to normal, I realized I was eating a lot of times that weren't lunch and dinner, and for a lot of reasons that weren't hunger.

I had to figure out how to stop eating for all the emotional reasons. This is where most of us get stuck. Forever! It is really difficult to get beyond this.

Self-awareness is the first step. You have to be able to recognize what emotion you are experiencing when you're eating off plan. For most (and for me) it is stress, anxiety, worry and boredom.

Week 3, 4, 5, and 6 - My weight went back up to exactly where it was when I started out. This was a little crushing, but I recognized that this is where most give up. I also recognized that while my weight wasn't changing, my brain was! My habits were shifting. I was no longer reaching for snack when I felt stressed, no longer having crazy intense cravings during movie night, or snacking the whole time I made dinner. INSANE! I literally never knew life could be lived without that.....

Stay tuned for more updates as I continue on my weight loss journey!


50% Complete

Two Step

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