Lighten up your 2020 Goals!

Have you made your #newyear2020 resolutions yet? If not, it's never too late!

Resolutions tend to air on the side of quitting something completely, or punishing yourself for your holiday eating....but if it isn't fun, you probably won't reach your goal!

Try to make your goal fun and light; something you look forward to doing each day, or a fun reward when you don't do something. After all, Dale Carnegie says that if it isn't fun, you probably won't succeed!

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Ask The Nutritionist!

"What is the best way to prevent weight gain during the holidays?"

Most of us have a lot of social gatherings from Halloween to the New Year. However, not each of these events is worth a high-calorie count meal. Take a look at your calendar; which events are worth the splurge? Now, choose the exact foods and beverages you plan to splurge on during those events.

Not every event has foods you love or is worth the extra calorie consumption, but not having a plan ahead of time usually means you're going to overdo it. Planning ahead of time like this allows you to make wise choices, to be present in the moment with your splurge, and to really enjoy it!! Not to mention, going through this process is huge in helping you avoid the typical holiday weight gain.

Ask the Nutritionist is our weekly segment where we take your nutrition questions and also answer them. Feel free to ask away in the comments section on Instagram, @basically_it_ and look out for our answer!

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3 Foods That Are Easy to Overdo It On!

1. Frozen yogurt: While this can be a slightly healthier alternative to ice cream, that is what makes it dangerous! We tend to eat more when we know its "healthy-er". Keep your portion small and limit your toppings to one favorite!

2. Popcorn: I too am a fan of all the delicious popcorn flavors you can find everywhere nowadays, and while popcorn is far better than chips or pretzels, it can still be overdone. While popcorn's nutritional stats are decent, it goes down easy and by the handful. Topped with some artificial butter or cheese powder, it can pack a punch of calories without you even realizing it.

3. Peanut butter: Yes, a wonderfully healthy source of fats, fiber and protein, it is also very calorically dense and the serving size can disappear alongside crackers or veggie sticks with two bites. Portion it out ahead of time to be sure you know how much you are eating.

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3 Super Juices To Try

These 3 super juices will rock your world, especially in the cold and dry winter months!

1. Celery juice! This has been so popular lately, and for good reason! The minerals and salts found in celery juice are great for hydration. Drink this one each morning on an empty stomach for max absorption.

2. Aloe Vera juice. You can buy at the store or make at home in your juicer. Either way, aloe is healing for the gut and great for dry skin this time of year.

3. Beet juice. Stop cringing!! It’s not so bad. Beets are not only in season now but loaded with antioxidants for harsh winter. Not to mention, all that gorgeous color gives you a great glow from the inside out (no tanning bed necessary!).

If you didn’t know already, there are tons more tips and recipes like this in The No-Diet Diet Club! Click here to get on the waitlist!

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What to do instead of “counting”


An episode of Wine About It, my weekly Facebook live show @Basically It Meals Thursdays at 5:30, had me on my soapbox!

When it comes to living your life, you are way better off listening to your body than counting points, calories or macros.

Listening can be a challenge when most of us have been tuned out to what is happening in there since we hit puberty. It all starts with slowing down.

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Are You Eating Poison?

We don’t even realize how important what we put in our bodies is….

I am rarely so black and white about nutrition. For a lot of foods and lifestyle habits, there is a gray area; a lot of subjectivity.

But I also love it when things are super simple when they are really clear.

Ann Wigmore makes it really clear here; food is either medicine or poison. That’s it. No ifs, ands or buts. There is medicine, and there is poison.

Now, it’s ok to eat “poison” now and again. This isn’t the cyanide type poison that is going to kill you instantly, as you well know if you’ve had a Cheeto or a bowl of ice cream.

You don’t have to actively think before taking a bite of cheeseburger “my God, I’m about to eat poison!”, that would stunt your life, but you should have awareness around the food you eat. Acknowledge that a daily fast food run isn’t your medicine.

The message here is to really focus on our diets consisting...

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What diet should I follow?

You have to follow the diet that works for YOU!

Personally, I don't subscribe to any particular diet. Here is what I do...

Finding the best "diet" for me is an ever evolving journey! I love trying new things:
High fat
No snacks
Smaller meals

All of this experimenting helps me see what I like best and what fits best in my schedule.

I am constantly learning new things about my body and my health and how I can help my clients apply what I am learning!

What works for you?


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How local food can change your health

Yes, eating local foods makes a huge difference!

Plan your menus around local ingredients.

This is the best way to ensure you are getting:
The most nutrients possible
The highest quality ingredients
Organic for the best price (most small local farmers use organic methods, but simply can't afford the organic label)
Foods your body craves (our bodies are programmed to eat seasonal foods from our area)

Basically It Meals are all locally sourced so you get the best bang for your nutrition buck!


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