Sweet Potato vs. White Potato

The little changes you make every day end up creating a big impact on your health! For instance, try eating a sweet potato instead of a white potato and you're already getting a ton more nutrients just by making that one simple choice.

Check out the nutritional differences between the two potatoes!


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3 reasons Why You Should Say No to Sugar!

If you're thinking about cutting back on the sugar this year, here are three reasons why you should:

When sugar is a regular part of your diet, it makes it impossible for your body to break down fat! In fact, you're likely turning all of that sugar into fat.

Sugar accelerates aging, causing you to look older faster.

When you consume sugar, your blood sugar spikes and then plummets which leaves you feeling unnecessarily tired and cranky.


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Lighten up your 2020 Goals!

Have you made your #newyear2020 resolutions yet? If not, it's never too late!

Resolutions tend to air on the side of quitting something completely, or punishing yourself for your holiday eating....but if it isn't fun, you probably won't reach your goal!

Try to make your goal fun and light; something you look forward to doing each day, or a fun reward when you don't do something. After all, Dale Carnegie says that if it isn't fun, you probably won't succeed!

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Are You Eating Poison?

We don’t even realize how important what we put in our bodies is….

I am rarely so black and white about nutrition. For a lot of foods and lifestyle habits, there is a gray area; a lot of subjectivity.

But I also love it when things are super simple when they are really clear.

Ann Wigmore makes it really clear here; food is either medicine or poison. That’s it. No ifs, ands or buts. There is medicine, and there is poison.

Now, it’s ok to eat “poison” now and again. This isn’t the cyanide type poison that is going to kill you instantly, as you well know if you’ve had a Cheeto or a bowl of ice cream.

You don’t have to actively think before taking a bite of cheeseburger “my God, I’m about to eat poison!”, that would stunt your life, but you should have awareness around the food you eat. Acknowledge that a daily fast food run isn’t your medicine.

The message here is to really focus on our diets consisting...

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