Italian Food Rule #1

An actual photo of the biggest heads of garlic I have ever seen!

Italian food rule #1: quality of quantity. If it is not up to par, it is not eaten. You look at the tomatoes there set to ripen; some are so red they are almost worthy of Rudolph’s nose, but the Italian will tell you “no, not ready!”. The food attitude is a little bit of the highest quality product possible because there is no point in a lot of merda (-->Italian curse word).

This is exactly the properties upon which our meal service is based!! Quality balanced meals. Proportioned for your convenience. Local, seasonal, flavored to perfection. That is how you should be eating at every meal!!

If you are in St Louis, give us a try by visiting!

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Are You Eating Poison?

We don’t even realize how important what we put in our bodies is….

I am rarely so black and white about nutrition. For a lot of foods and lifestyle habits, there is a gray area; a lot of subjectivity.

But I also love it when things are super simple when they are really clear.

Ann Wigmore makes it really clear here; food is either medicine or poison. That’s it. No ifs, ands or buts. There is medicine, and there is poison.

Now, it’s ok to eat “poison” now and again. This isn’t the cyanide type poison that is going to kill you instantly, as you well know if you’ve had a Cheeto or a bowl of ice cream.

You don’t have to actively think before taking a bite of cheeseburger “my God, I’m about to eat poison!”, that would stunt your life, but you should have awareness around the food you eat. Acknowledge that a daily fast food run isn’t your medicine.

The message here is to really focus on our diets consisting...

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