FREE Meal Prep Masterclass Webinar!

For years, it was my job to get up on stage and talk to people about eating healthy at home. The only problem was no one was eating at home!!

Cooking is not common anymore. I could talk until I was blue in the face, but I never felt as though I was helping anyone.

At that time, I hadn't created a process for meal prepping, something I could take people through step by step to show them how easy recipes, grocery shopping and the actual cooking can be. A process that would detail how and where you can save time and money by cooking at home (not hitting the drive-thru 3 times a day!).

Now, I do have that process, and I am going to be walking you through it start to finish in my FREE webinar this Thursday!!

I will show you the very simple process of recipes, grocery shopping and cooking that will literally change your life for the better (especially right now).

Don't hesitate to register below, all are welcome but spots are limited! See you Friday : )

You are invited to a Zoom...

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Thank you STL!

You have been such a supportive community for this small business, and we are SO grateful!! Thank you for all you have done.

When I first graduated, I knew I wanted to change the health of the nation. I saw that being huge. I also saw that the job I was doing that was intended to make an impact just wasn't helping people.

When I discovered that I could truly make an impact by making healthy meals for people and delivering them to their homes, I was hooked! Now, me and my company are honored to make a healthier St. Louis for YOU!

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How to Avoid Unhealthy Eating After Work

"I am sick and tired of getting home from work and ordering another pizza. Help!"

This is a comment I hear A LOT!! After a long day at work, who wants to cook? ‍Not me! However, your only option also is not a pizza. What you really need to do is have some forethought about your week and make a plan

Make a plan by:

A. Before you do anything, watch the video I made for you which details 5 items to keep in your house that will yield hundreds of easy meals! Click, 5 Must-Have Ingredients to watch! It is SO helpful!
B. Set aside some time to grocery shop and meal prep.
C. Try a meal delivery service like Basically It Meals!! It can be a lifesaver in these situations (coming from experience).
D. You may also want to look into meal guides to help you out! I have a great one for you to try, done for you meal guide.

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The Weight Loss Journey Continues!

My weight loss journey continues!! At the beginning of 2020 I committed to losing 10lbs without "going on a diet". I wanted to lose it by eating real food (thank you, Basically It Meals), living my life and changing my relationship with food in a real way.

Week 1 - I dropped almost 5 pounds, which meant I was halfway to my goal in only 7 days. I was so freaking excited and thought "that was easy!".

Week 2 - Reality set in. During week 1 motivation was high, but week 2 it waned and life returned to normal, I realized I was eating a lot of times that weren't lunch and dinner, and for a lot of reasons that weren't hunger.

I had to figure out how to stop eating for all the emotional reasons. This is where most of us get stuck. Forever! It is really difficult to get beyond this.

Self-awareness is the first step. You have to be able to recognize what emotion you are experiencing when you're eating off plan. For most (and for me) it is stress, anxiety, worry and boredom.

Week 3,...

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Grocery Shopping 101

Lesson 1 on healthy grocery shopping:

The problem isn't that you don't know how to grocery shop, the problem is you are going to the store with no plan!!

I am going to teach you exactly how to make that plan with the Meal Prep Course launching in March, but first, go watch the quick video I made that goes over a few items to keep in your house at all times so you can always throw together a healthy meal.

Click HERE to watch!

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Diets don't work try this instead

I was interviewed on Fox 2 Now recently about New Year's resolutions.

Kim asked, "how do you make a New Years diet easy to stick to?"

I told her by not going on a diet! Seriously, you don't need another diet!

No one does. We've all tried one, and rarely do they work.

You need something practical and realistic, especially during this hectic time of year.

What is more practical and realistic than healthy balanced meals, designed by a nutritionist, ready to eat, and delivered to your door?

There really is no reason to get any more complicated than that...If you are in St. Louis, sign up HERE to receive weekly meals that are already prepared, delicious, and loaded with nutritional value!

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Potions & Powders

I'm sure you've heard of a few: maca, matcha, ashwaghanda, spirulina, dandelion name a few. But what the heck are all of these and do you actually need to be eating them?

The answer is no, not necessarily! These potions and powders are a nutritionist hackers dream, but totally not necessary for a healthy life.

Maintaining a healthy regular diet is way more important, however if you are a smoothie junkie like me, you may want to try one or two of these out....they have some pretty cool benefits! 

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Ask The Nutritionist!

Ask the nutritionist!

Each week, we are doing #askthenutritionist, where we will answer your question of the week, and also take your questions for future editions!

This week's question: “My iron levels are low, should I be taking an iron supplement?”

The answer is not necessarily. There are a few reasons why your iron might be low and you may be able to make tweaks that allow you to bypass iron supplementation. If you have a heavy menstrual flow, you may consider an iron supplement around your time of the month (but no more! Heavy iron supplementation can reduce your absorption of iron from food).

It is also possible you have an issue with absorption in your gut. You may try a few things for this: cutting out gluten (super easy if you use a gluten-free meal service), drinking aloe vera juice, and taking a probiotic. A few dietary tweaks you can make to up your dietary iron include: steamed dark leafy greens (broccoli, spinach, sprouts), red meat, organ meats, and...

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4 Simple Ways to Eat Clean at Lunch

If you aren’t keeping it clean at lunch, you are probably feeling pretty sleepy by 2 pm. Perhaps the only thing you are looking forward to is your next meal, it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are 4 ways to keep it clean at lunch and thus keep your energy up the rest of the day!

1. Pack it with you!! One of the easiest ways to ensure you don’t fall to temptation at lunchtime is to pack your lunch ahead of time. If you don’t have time or don’t know how let Basically It Meals do the work and delivery for you, or join No-Diet Diet Club here and learn how

2. Skip the beverages. Do not fall victim to lunchtime special drinks (soda, diet soda, sweet tea, fancy coffee drink or milkshake). All that sugar is going to leave you feeling blahhhhhh

3. Large portions will also leave you feeling BLAHH. When you overeat, your body has to do a lot of work to process it all and this often results in lethargy. Order the lunch-sized portion, OR go with Basically It Meals...

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Italian Food Rule #1

An actual photo of the biggest heads of garlic I have ever seen!

Italian food rule #1: quality of quantity. If it is not up to par, it is not eaten. You look at the tomatoes there set to ripen; some are so red they are almost worthy of Rudolph’s nose, but the Italian will tell you “no, not ready!”. The food attitude is a little bit of the highest quality product possible because there is no point in a lot of merda (-->Italian curse word).

This is exactly the properties upon which our meal service is based!! Quality balanced meals. Proportioned for your convenience. Local, seasonal, flavored to perfection. That is how you should be eating at every meal!!

If you are in St Louis, give us a try by visiting!

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