Sweet Potato vs. White Potato

The little changes you make every day end up creating a big impact on your health! For instance, try eating a sweet potato instead of a white potato and you're already getting a ton more nutrients just by making that one simple choice.

Check out the nutritional differences between the two potatoes!


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Italian Tip!

Italian tip: get your veggies in interesting ways! On top of pizza, or in a sauce; it makes no difference!

Veggies can enhance the flavor of everything, not to mention the nutrition value. Get a rainbow of colors each day, this ensures your plant foods can work synergistically with one another!

I teach you exactly how to do this in No-Diet Diet Club which is launching in 2020!! Click here to get on the waitlist

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Ask The Nutritionist!

Ask the nutritionist!

Each week, we are doing #askthenutritionist, where we will answer your question of the week, and also take your questions for future editions!

This week's question: “My iron levels are low, should I be taking an iron supplement?”

The answer is not necessarily. There are a few reasons why your iron might be low and you may be able to make tweaks that allow you to bypass iron supplementation. If you have a heavy menstrual flow, you may consider an iron supplement around your time of the month (but no more! Heavy iron supplementation can reduce your absorption of iron from food).

It is also possible you have an issue with absorption in your gut. You may try a few things for this: cutting out gluten (super easy if you use a gluten-free meal service), drinking aloe vera juice, and taking a probiotic. A few dietary tweaks you can make to up your dietary iron include: steamed dark leafy greens (broccoli, spinach, sprouts), red meat, organ meats, and...

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3 Incredible Health Benefits of REAL Olive Oil

REAL olive oil means it is pure, not watered with other oils, and it has some real health benefits!

1. Pure olive oil is loaded with antioxidants that not only protects you from aging but can reduce the risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases.

2. Although olive oil is a fat (the highest in calories of the macronutrients), it is not associated with weight gain. When you are using quality olive oil the nutrients nourish your body instead of helping it hold onto weight.

3. Real olive oil is incredible for your skin!! All the nutrients and antioxidants help to protect your skin from the aging process and keep you looking good.

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The most important thing about breakfast

I know you’ve heard it before…

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!

But is it?

Yes and no.

What you eat for your first meal of the day is very important. What is less important is when you eat it.

Yes, I am telling you that you do not have to wake up first thing and start eating. You can actually wait, a while. This is totally fine! It’s called intermittent fasting and it is actually really good for you!

So, what should you eat, then?

Your meal should be balanced with plant foods (fruits and veggies)

Healthy fats because they are super satiating and full of nutrients; think avocado, nuts and seeds

Contain some protein. Some good ones are eggs, protein powder, salmon

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The low down on healthy fats

Healthy fats are super dense in nutrients, but they also have the highest calorie count of any other foods!

Is that bad? No, not at all! Fats are very satiating, and can help our body burn fat. Not to mention, all the great nutrients they contain.

Healthy fats include:
Nuts and seeds
I love eating them with every meal!

Healthy fats nourish your

  • Brain
  • Gut
  • Skin (they are totally anti-aging!)
  • Mental health

Add them to each meal to feel full and satisfied for a long time!

Hey, I would love to connect with you on Instagram, click here and find me!

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The coolest thing I learned in nutrition school

This was one of the coolest things I learned while I was getting my nutrition degree.

The colors in plants mark the nutrients they contain. We can literally color ourselves healthy by eating all these colors,

COLOR is how we nourish our bodies!! Whatever you're eating day in and day out, it should be full of COLOR!
The nutrients in our foods are marked by color
More color means more variety of nutrients
Colors mean anti-aging and anti-disease

Do you think this is as cool as I do?


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