The 80-20 rule

We are all trying to find that healthy balance, but it can be tough, right?

Sometimes we overdo it at the nacho bar, miss our workouts, get sick on ice cream....

So what is a healthy balance? How do you find that in a world full of temptations?

A great rule of thumb for healthy living and eating I use and my clients use is 80-20. 80% of all that you do serves your health:
Healthy meals full of plants (fruits and veggies!)
Plenty of rest (6-8 hours a night)
Getting in movement on a regular basis (it can be just walking)
Plenty of water (at least half of your body weight in ounces per day)

The other 20% is "free". 

It sounds like it could turn into an all out binge/rager...but I like to plan mine ahead of time. This helps the 20% become my choice. A lot of times when we eat poorly, it is out of control, unconscious and comes with a whole lot of guilt and shame. Planning ahead of time makes it our choice and eliminates the need to negative emotions around it.

What does your 80-20...

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The truth about counting calories

A lot of people suggest counting in some form or another.

Whether it's calories, points, or macros...

Here's the thing, if you think counting calories is something you will enjoy doing for the rest of your life, then by all means, count away.

What you do now to maintain your health and your weight it should be enjoyable and sustainable for life.

Does counting sound appealing to you? Do you think you'll be able to keep it up long term? Will it be easy to do in many different situations?

If the answer is "no", then look for another tool to help you maintain for the rest of your life.

I suggest you try two things:

  • Listening to your body! Your stomach is always speaking to you, you're just not used to listening. Tune in, it knows when you've had enough. It also know exactly which foods it likes and which it doesn't like.
  • Journaling. Counting can bring some awareness to what goes in your mouth, but it misses a big piece of the picture, the emotional side. Journaling can not only help...
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Don't let healthy food punish you

Healthy food shouldn't feel like a punishment.

Yet, so often it tastes like one!

Why does healthy equal boring?

Plain chicken with steamed broccoli...

Raw cauliflower dipped in air...

Plain brown rice, hold the salt...

It doesn't have to be that way!

  • Open your spice cabinet
  • Put garlic on everything
  • Grab the pink Himalayan salt
  • Squeeze lemon over the top
  • Grab some fresh herbs to finish

All of these enhance flavor while also enhancing health! It doesn't have to be complicated or time consuming, just delicious.

To learn more about how to cook healthy at home, check out the No-Diet Diet Club!

If you are in St Louis, click here to see about having your healthy meals delivered from our delicious kitchen!

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Cinnamon equals a smaller pants size

A few sprinkles of cinnamon went into this almond milk latte and it was delish!!

It was also, secretly nutrish since cinnamon is anti-aging and great for weight loss, too!!

Are you asking yourself how this is even possible? I mean, I drink pumpkin spice lattes with a sprinkle of cinnamon all the time and I'm not squeezing into no bikini right now...

Well, yeah, no on the pumpkin spice front. BUT cinnamon itself does actually lower blood sugar, therefore reducing the weight gaining and aging affect of sugar. Ingesting it regularly (on top of a n unsweetened black coffee, for instance) is majorly beneficial.

Adding cinnamon to your coffee gives it a HUGE nutritional boost!

Cinnamon is...
High in antioxidants (hello, age reversal )
Reduces insulin which means easier weight loss
Full of phytonutrients to boost your health

You can add it to other things, too! How about that baked sweet potato, or your green smoothie?

Follow me on Instagram for more amazing tips

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What diet should I follow?

You have to follow the diet that works for YOU!

Personally, I don't subscribe to any particular diet. Here is what I do...

Finding the best "diet" for me is an ever evolving journey! I love trying new things:
High fat
No snacks
Smaller meals

All of this experimenting helps me see what I like best and what fits best in my schedule.

I am constantly learning new things about my body and my health and how I can help my clients apply what I am learning!

What works for you?


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What is the best diet for you to follow?

This is what I know...

The best diet to follow is the one that works for you while helping you improve your health!

"Do I need to be following Paleo?"

"Is Keto the healthiest?"

"How do I know if I am eating the best diet for me?"

This "diet" is a way of life. It should be flexible to fit with your schedule.
It should serve you in improving your health, feeling good, having energy and looking the way you want to look.
You don't have to follow any diet that anyone else does, simply do what works best for YOU

You have to do what works for you, or nothing will work!


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How local food can change your health

Yes, eating local foods makes a huge difference!

Plan your menus around local ingredients.

This is the best way to ensure you are getting:
The most nutrients possible
The highest quality ingredients
Organic for the best price (most small local farmers use organic methods, but simply can't afford the organic label)
Foods your body craves (our bodies are programmed to eat seasonal foods from our area)

Basically It Meals are all locally sourced so you get the best bang for your nutrition buck!


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How can you get healthy-ER?

Healthy is different for everyone!

Start by figuring out what kind of balance will work for you in your life.

What adjustments do you need to make to feel good and look the way you want?


I am strict in certain areas: no gluten, low sugar, no fast food.
I am loose in others: wine, cheese, gluten free pasta.
This balance allows me to feel good, enjoy my food and look the way I want

This balance works beautifully for me in my life, what will work for you?


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5 Tips to be Healthier NOW!

75% of us want to be healthier.

80% of us have no idea where to start...

Despite the confusion, there are FIVE rock solid things you can do NOW to be healthier right away.

  1. Double your water intake (most of us don't get enough!)
  2. Include plenty of healthy fats (nuts, avocado, fish)
  3. Ditch your multivitamin (yes, do it! I have tons of great tips for creating an amazing supplement routine)
  4. Add 1 (more) serving of veggies to your day!
  5. MOVE!! I rarely say exercise, because getting up and moving your body can be SO beneficial! We tend to sit all day, so make a point to get up and shake it off!

How do you implement these in your life?


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5 Tips to Travel Healthy

My daily diet on the most recent trip I took looked something like this:

Bacon & eggs






Ice cream


  • I didn't gain a pound
  • I didn't feel sluggish, tired, or groggy
  • I slept great
  • I went to the gym every day
  • I fit into my clothes great
  • I had no bloat
  • I had no shame, guilt or remorse over my food choices

How is that even possible? If someone had told me this a year ago, I would not have believed them.

But it is true. 

I did all of this in the name of research for the No-Diet Diet Club Healthy Travel Module, and it worked like a charm.

Here are a few of the things I put into place...

  1. Plan ahead: 
    • This is truly the key to everything. Knowing ahead of time what splurges you will be enjoying and when you will be fitting in your movement uses your conscious brain (the one that wants you to fit into your pants comfortably) to make wise choices that will benefit you.
  2. Exercise
    • You don't have to run a marathon or bench press for an hour,...
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