5 Tips to Travel Healthy

My daily diet on the most recent trip I took looked something like this:

Bacon & eggs






Ice cream


  • I didn't gain a pound
  • I didn't feel sluggish, tired, or groggy
  • I slept great
  • I went to the gym every day
  • I fit into my clothes great
  • I had no bloat
  • I had no shame, guilt or remorse over my food choices

How is that even possible? If someone had told me this a year ago, I would not have believed them.

But it is true. 

I did all of this in the name of research for the No-Diet Diet Club Healthy Travel Module, and it worked like a charm.

Here are a few of the things I put into place...

  1. Plan ahead: 
    • This is truly the key to everything. Knowing ahead of time what splurges you will be enjoying and when you will be fitting in your movement uses your conscious brain (the one that wants you to fit into your pants comfortably) to make wise choices that will benefit you.
  2. Exercise
    • You don't have to run a marathon or bench press for an hour,...
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