Dietary Shifts

I spoke with an awesome group of people in a weight loss program the other night.

These people are making HUGE dietary shifts.

Something most of us will talk about, dream about, but never quite stick to.

These people were truly inspiring.

They wanted to know how to make the transition easier, less painful.

They wanted to know how to stick with it for years to come.

I told them this kind of change takes some planning.  When we leave decisions food decisions until we are hungry, our brain is not capable of making a conscious decision.

When we're hungry we switch to survival mode, and we will eat the most calorie dense thing we can get our hands on.

We have to make those decisions ahead of time. Make them when we are in a clear-headed place with our end result in mind.

When we can do that, success is inevitable.

And the best way to do that is by meal prepping.

Your week is planned ahead, all your food decisions are made, and that way when you are hungry and tired and you open that fridge you don't thing "Ugh, no way I'm cooking, I'm getting pizza," You think "Dang, fridge full of food ready to eat. And it fits my diet,".

And it is that easy....

I can teach you how to make this happen for YOU!

Let's do it together.

Sign up here!


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