3 Healthy Habits Everyone Should Take With Them on Vacation!

There are 3 healthy habits everyone should take with them on vacation; even winter vacation!! 

1. Share all your meals! You want to taste everything and eat very little. This is so easy to do on vacation; goodbye bottomless pasta bowls, hello two bites of pasta, a few other items and done.

2. Slow down. American food culture tells us to order the largest portion possible, eat as fast as possible, and get on to the next thing. However, other cultures regard the meal as an opportunity to nourish the body, get a break from the bustle, and connect socially. Meals are often slow and extended, with many small portions. No one leaves stuffed, or feeling heavy or lethargic; in fact, it is often the break they needed to get through the day! So eat slowly, and enjoy the opportunity to nourish your body and connect with loved ones!

3. Throw food away. This is a tough one for many, including me sometimes! However, eating all the food in front of you when you are already past full does not help to feed anyone anywhere else. In fact, instead of throwing it in the literal trash, you are asking your body to be the trash receptacle and take care of the burden of this extra food for you. Do not treat your body like a trash can! The burden of that extra food is extra fat on your body.

…This is the type of thing we work through in No-Diet Diet Club!! Join the waiting list for our 2020 opening by clicking here!


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