It's up to You - Convenience or Health?

Who has time to get a healthy meal when you're busier than ever?

What usually happens is we're forced to get a convenient meal, not a healthy one. This looks like a fast food meal, something from the gas station, a delivery meal, or something you can quickly eat in the car.

Health usually doesn't come into play for these meals! If you look at the decline in our nations health in the last 70 years, you can see exactly how well these types of foods serve your health....not well!

It is so important to take the time to meal prep, or source healthy and convenient meals.

Basically It Meals helps to fill this gap. You pick your meals for the week from our delicious menu that's changes weekly, and we'll deliver them right to your front door, it' doesn't get much more convenient than that! They're all extremely nutritious, each recipe is created with your health in mind. 

If you are in St. Louis give us a try with 20% off your first purchase! Click here to order your nutritious AND convenient meals. : )


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