3 Tips to Stop Overeating

Eating past the point of fullness is extremely common in today's world. Here are 3 tips to help break the habit of overeating:

1. Check in with your emotions before you eat: Do you feel anxious, rushed, pressured, stressed? These emotions lead to overeating, so slow down and find a more relaxing thought. : )

2. Get rid of distractions: Turn off the TV, put down your phone and truly be present for your meals. This helps you to pay attention to how you're feeling while you eat, rather than zoning out and mindlessly taking bite after bite. You'll notice when your full and therefore will stop eating before you're overfull!

3. Slow down: Take the time to slow down when eating. Chew your food 15-20 times before you swallow it, that's how long it takes to get the nutrients out of the food. When you slow down you'll start to notice the amazing flavors and textures of the meal as well! Your appreciation for the food will increase and you'll...

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Sweet Potato vs. White Potato

The little changes you make every day end up creating a big impact on your health! For instance, try eating a sweet potato instead of a white potato and you're already getting a ton more nutrients just by making that one simple choice.

Check out the nutritional differences between the two potatoes!


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How I'm Burning off Holiday Weight Gain

Going into this new year, I was up to a weight I hadn't seen on my scale for a long time!

A month of travel followed by the holidays, and I was ready to get back to it. I set a goal to lose 10lbs in the new year, and I am amazed that I am almost half-way there already! In just one week I went down 4.2lbs!!

So far, I have been eating Basically It Meals twice a day, along with a green smoothie or juice. It has honestly been the easiest thing I've ever done!  

If you're in St. Louis, you can do the 10# challenge with me! Click here to get your meal plan and let's do this thing together! 

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Diets don't work try this instead

I was interviewed on Fox 2 Now recently about New Year's resolutions.

Kim asked, "how do you make a New Years diet easy to stick to?"

I told her by not going on a diet! Seriously, you don't need another diet!

No one does. We've all tried one, and rarely do they work.

You need something practical and realistic, especially during this hectic time of year.

What is more practical and realistic than healthy balanced meals, designed by a nutritionist, ready to eat, and delivered to your door?

There really is no reason to get any more complicated than that...If you are in St. Louis, sign up HERE to receive weekly meals that are already prepared, delicious, and loaded with nutritional value!

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Ask The Nutritionist!

Question: "Are vegetarian lentil burgers lower in calories than beef burgers?" -Kelsey

Answer: While calories are a popular measure of healthy-or-not, I encourage you to explore how well the food keeps you satiated as opposed to just looking at calories! Every body reacts differently to foods; some bodies enjoy more protein, some do better with less protein and more complex carbs. That is up to you and your body to find out!

To figure this out: eat both foods in question slowly and on totally separate days. See how the foods feel as you eat; how quickly are you filling up, do you feel energized, sated, queezy, tired? 30 minutes later check in again; tired, nauseous, light, energized? Two hours later; hungry, sleepy, sick, bloated? This simple check in can tell you exactly what foods work well for your body and you can use it as a measure to determine how to eat in general.

I love answering your questions for Ask the Nutritionist! If you have a question you would like answered,...

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Potions & Powders

I'm sure you've heard of a few: maca, matcha, ashwaghanda, spirulina, dandelion root....to name a few. But what the heck are all of these and do you actually need to be eating them?

The answer is no, not necessarily! These potions and powders are a nutritionist hackers dream, but totally not necessary for a healthy life.

Maintaining a healthy regular diet is way more important, however if you are a smoothie junkie like me, you may want to try one or two of these out....they have some pretty cool benefits! 

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Don't Let a Number Get You Down!

If you're weighing in today and wondering why the scale seems off, here are a few reasons why:

When we consume a lot of carbs, sugar, salt or alcohol our bodies can hold onto water weight for DAYS! Even though you may feel like it's been a while since New Year's Eve, your body may not have released its water weight yet.

You may feel like you've been on track for a while, but remember that you just got through two months of holiday celebrations, and all those extra treats can really add up. Take it slow, you're on the right path!

Weight can fluctuate from day to day depending on your hydration status, internal swelling (hello, leg day!) etc., don't let the numbers throw you. Stay on track!

PS. These are the types of topics we discuss in No-Diet Diet Club! Learn more and get on the wait list here!

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3 reasons Why You Should Say No to Sugar!

If you're thinking about cutting back on the sugar this year, here are three reasons why you should:

When sugar is a regular part of your diet, it makes it impossible for your body to break down fat! In fact, you're likely turning all of that sugar into fat.

Sugar accelerates aging, causing you to look older faster.

When you consume sugar, your blood sugar spikes and then plummets which leaves you feeling unnecessarily tired and cranky.


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Lighten up your 2020 Goals!

Have you made your #newyear2020 resolutions yet? If not, it's never too late!

Resolutions tend to air on the side of quitting something completely, or punishing yourself for your holiday eating....but if it isn't fun, you probably won't reach your goal!

Try to make your goal fun and light; something you look forward to doing each day, or a fun reward when you don't do something. After all, Dale Carnegie says that if it isn't fun, you probably won't succeed!

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Glutathione: The Secret Wrinkle Reducer?

 Known as the master antioxidant, Glutathione is the gatekeeper for all other antioxidants in our body to work. Your body makes Glutathione, but studies show taking it as a supplement can not only lighten skin discolorations, but reduce wrinkles!

A study published in 2017 showed that as few as 250mg a day was effective at visibly reducing wrinkles as well as improving the overall appearance of dark spots!

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